Cookies allow a website to recognise a user's machine. For more information about cookies, how they work and what choices you can make through your own browser settings see
ASP.NET_SessionID - This cookie is necessary for site functionality and is set even if you do not give your consent. It is held temporarily in memory and is deleted when the web browser is closed. This cookie contains no personally identifiable information. cookie_level - This cookie is necessary for site functionality and tells us whether you would like us to store cookies for you or not. This cookie contains no personally identifiable information. xpMenuCookv2 - This cookie is necessary for site functionality and helps with the navigation around the site.
Google Analytics - We use Google Analytics tracking cookies to collect anonymous traffic data about viewers use of this website. This information is stored by Google and subject to their strict privacy policy, which can be viewed here. Google Analytics collects information such as pages viewed on this site, the browser and operating system used and time spent viewing. The purpose of this information is to help us improve the sites user-friendliness for future visitors. If you have previously given consent to our use of cookies and would like to withdraw it, you only need to delete the existing cookies for the site in your browser. If you return to the site after that we will not be using cookies or collecting any information about you. Details on how to delete the cookies from within your browser can be found at